Rather than being the end of the line, bankruptcy should be thought of as a fresh start to a better, more financially-secure future. Use these tips to recover from bankruptcy and to keep it from happening again!
Build Credit with a Secured Credit Card
Credit cards may sound scary after bouncing back from bankruptcy, but a secured credit card can be a great way to build your credit back up. This type of credit card requires a deposit, (which acts as your credit limit) and helps control your spending before you return to a traditional credit card.
Pay Off Your Credit Card Each Month
Whether you are using a secured credit card or have been upgraded to a traditional credit card, it is important to pay off your balance each and every month. Don’t use credit cards as an extended form of income. Instead, use them for routine, necessary purchases (such as gas and groceries) that will be easier to keep paid off.
Pay Bills on Time
By now you probably know that late fees and interest rates accumulate at a rate that is impossible to make up. Strive to avoid these extra costs by paying your bills before their due date.
Check Free Credit Reports Regularly
Checking your credit report regularly can be a friendly reminder of your financial situation. It’s also the best way to catch any errors affecting your credit. Having filed bankruptcy, it is important that you get any errors to your credit corrected immediately.
Re-Evaluate Your Spending Habits
One of the hardest but most effective ways to keep your finances under control is to re-evaluate your spending habits. Talk with a financial advisor or your attorney to learn where you can cut costs. This may require difficult lifestyle changes, but in the end, your life will be much easier and more hassle-free.